Monday, January 10, 2011

Home is Where I Lay My Paintbrush

Not long ago I was writing about my move to Cedar Lane. Most of you know that four months after moveing there, I made another, unexpected, move back into the downtown Springfield area. It has been an interesting period! In fact, I have written and deleted several potential posts in the past month simply because there was so much turmoil and change going on on from day to day that I was never sure which things I really wanted to convey.


Now I am beginning to feel settled in our new home and sorting out what my life may look like in 2011. There is a new job on the horizon, plenty of art taking place in the new studio space, and a budding business doing freelance writing and editing. The girls are loving the new space as well, and have set some new goals of their own.

As I was painting the other night, I realized that despite the upheavals of the past year, we are all thriving and getting really clear on what it is we wish to create as a part of our life experience. My home is my smile, my kind heart, my creative and passionate approach to life: my house is really only a vessel to hold the evidence of who I am (the place I lay my paintbrush) and a safe place to rest my body as my spirit dreams and soars.

For the rest of this contemplative winter season I plan to listen to those deep murmerings of my inner muse, savor the friends and family who make my life life feel rich and opulent, and allow my new vision to unfold. And, for a few more weeks, to laugh and love and adventure with Patrick before he jumps aboard a new ship in February.

I wish you all a cheerful start to a new year: the best one yet!

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